Cassandra Murphy MPT
Physcial Therapist
Certified NDT

Cass is a licensed physical therapist she graduated from Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, in January of 2000. Since her graduation, she has worked in four different pediatric settings. Initially, she worked in a school system in Stamford, CT, for four years, servicing children ages 3-21 with various special needs. In 2004, she began working at Blythedale Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, NY; this hospital provides pediatric rehabilitation services to children of all ages, including an in house NICU, a birth to three program, a school program, an aquatic therapy, equipment clinic, and rehabilitation of children as they recover from acute illnesses/surgeries.
In 2007, she started her own family and decided not to commute to work. In September 2007, she started working at Main Street Rehabilitation in Danbury, Connecticut (outpatient pediatric Physical Therapy for Danbury Hospital). This establishment services children ages 0-18 years old with varying diagnoses in an outpatient setting. At this facility, Cass ran an aquatic therapy program servicing 12-15 children per week. Over the past 16 years she has attended a variety of continuing education programs to better her skills and allow for improved care for all her patients.
In 2011, Cass became NDT (Neuro-developmental treatment) Certified after completing an 8-week, yearlong certification program in New York. Additionally, has completed her K1-4 kinesiotaping education and has taken various continuing education courses on orthotic and equipment fitting/assessment/evaluation. Due to her vast pediatric work history, she has been able to learn from children with numerous diagnoses and concerns. She feels strongly that every patient she has encountered has made her a more seasoned therapist.
In January 2014, Cass relocated to High Point, North Carolina, with her husband and three children due to a job change for her husband. She began working with Propel Pediatric Therapy in August of 2014 and has loved getting to know the therapists and all the families this company services. Servicing this community has been a great way for her to get to know the triad and the wonderful people who live here. Cass loves her job and the children she provides therapy to.